Greetings! Today, I would like to share my experience running a Dell R620 server in my apartment, creating a home lab environment for learning, testing, and providing hands-on experience to others. This setup is perfect for those who wish to explore and experiment with various technologies.

The foundation of my setup is the Dell R620 server running raid 10, The main operating system is VMware ESXi, a robust and efficient hypervisor. This allows me to establish multiple virtual machines (VMs) running different operating systems, such as Windows and Linux, providing a versatile platform for experimentation and learning.

To ensure secure access to my ESXi environment and applications, I have implemented a Cloudflare tunnel. This enables other learners to familiarize themselves with the interfaces and gain valuable hands-on experience without the risk of compromising a production server.

For added security, I have incorporated multiple authentication methods, including Google and Github. Once users have been authenticated, they can access the application’s login page and begin exploring the platforms.

One of the primary virtual servers in my setup is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Within RHEL, I have been testing Podman containers and services. Additionally, the Cloudflare tunnel is hosted within a container, further showcasing the versatility and power of this platform.

In future updates, I will be sharing more about the services running on this server and my strategies for integrating them into the cloud. This will provide valuable insights and lessons learned for others looking to optimize their own home lab environments.

In conclusion, my apartment-based Dell R620 server has proven to be an invaluable resource for personal learning, testing, and collaboration with other users looking to learn more. I truly believe that By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can create a community that fosters growth and innovation in the field of technology.

Stay tuned for future updates!


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